2011 in books

Essays/Computer science/$work stuff

In 2011 I started my adventures in the perilous lands of bigdata, so I've begun harvesting literature on the subject. Extremely interesting and relatively young field. I have an almost finished review of "Data Analysis with Open Source Tools" which I hope to publish soon.


My first encounter with Douglas Coupland. I particularly liked Microserfs, that somehow seemed to be speaking directly to me. Perhaps not for everybody.

Five minutes after Games of Thrones s01e01 I realized I couldn't wait an entire week to know the rest of the story. Still entertaining, after ~3000 pages and already in the fourth book.

I'm a hardcore Neal Stephenson fan. I also have Anathem in my stack, but I decided to read Reamde first, because it seemed less dense. It was, and also more fast-paced than usual.