Stefano Rodighiero's Homepage
Current project
- rando-planner custom add-ons for Clerk to plan multi-day bike rides
WIP / Hold
- synacor my code for the Synacor Challenge (emulator, disassembler, some debugging tools) Work in progress
- bookmarks is a small webapp I'm writing for keeping my web bookmarks organized. Backend written in Common Lisp (caveman2, mito), frontend in Clojurescript (Reagent) Work in progress
- starcl is a programming environment to study decentralized systems, inspired to StarLogo. (Videos: Part 1) (stalled)
- Wiz is a Scheme implementation written in Haskell. (stalled)
- Space is an excuse to study some Common Lisp (including: Lispbuilder SDL bindings, writing a game, implementing a DSL)
- clim-p5 is a small programming environment inspired by P5.js, implemented using Common Lisp and McCLIM. (Videos: Part 1, Part 2)
- Wireworld simulator and editor. Work in progress (If you don't know what Wireworld is, you can find a nice introduction at Quinapalus.)
- Logo-ish drawing environment
- hledger-dupes is a simple utility to find duplicate accounts in Hledger journal.
- moew is a simple webservice written in Emacs Lisp.
- Bookflocks was a website where I published interviews about books
(on a weekly basis, or at least I tried). Backgrounds and
occupations of those whom I have interviewed varied a lot.
- A couple of friends asked me how I made Bookflocks. In the spirit of caching what's requested more often, I wrote some notes.
- Geometry trove
- Monad challenges solutions Work in progress
- code-to-read an attempt to collect and organize links to code base particularly good for a human to read.
- Some notes and code snippets for Emacs
- Notes on how to save disk space
- Code snippets for R
- Muting and unmuting Skype for lazy people
- Writing a test library for Common Lisp Work in progress
- I collect shorter and unstructured thoughts in a blog, updated frequently.
- Double feature keyboard review: some ramblings about the mechanical keyboards I own (Atreus and CODE).
- Writing slides for technical presentations
- About Perl
- Pocket Perl, an introduction to Perl programming. Published by Apogeo in 2008.
- Notes about books I read. Perpetual work in progress.