Automatic webjump list from org

Webjump is a bookmark facility for Emacs. Fed with a list of bookmarks (as an association list) it presents a menu, then open a browser page with the selected link. Simple and handy.

This function converts my list of bookmarks (expressend in a org document that is also used to build my Links page) in a data structure suitable for webjump.

(defun get-webjump-sites ()
  (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer "~/Dropbox/")
    (delq nil
           (lambda (i)
             (let ((item-string (cdr (assoc "ITEM" i)))
                   (regex "\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]"))
               (if (posix-string-match regex item-string)
                   `(,(match-string 2 item-string) . ,(match-string 1 item-string)))))
           (org-map-entries 'org-entry-properties nil 'file)))))

(setq webjump-sites (get-webjump-sites))

Update <2016-06-28 Tue 23:26>

I asked for a review on #emacs, bpalmer kindly pointed out a few things that should be done in a different manner:

  • I'm building a list containing nils, which I need to delete later (delq). I shouldn't be creating them in the first place
  • Probably no need for posix-string-match instead of string-match
  • I should provide a docstring

So, here a better version, using the loop macro

(require 'cl)
(defun get-webjump-sites ()
  "converts a org document in a data structure suitable for webjump"
  (let ((regex "\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]"))
    (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer "~/Dropbox/")
      (loop for i in (org-map-entries 'org-entry-properties nil 'file)
            for item-string = (cdr (assoc "ITEM" i))
            if (string-match regex item-string)
            collect `(,(match-string 2 item-string) . ,(match-string 1 item-string))))))

It's more concise and direct, definitely better, but I'm still not satisfied: it lacks clarity and cleanliness.