Posts tagged "dev":

rando-planner v0.2

I created a 0.2 release for rando-planner.


What's Changed

Reactions and follow ups

How I use :dbconnection in org files

In the post "Followup on secrets in my work notes" Magnus Therning mentions a feature in Org Babel I contributed to (in ob-sql.el, to be more precise).

You can see my old post for details about that feature, but basically, the patch allows one to use a :dbconnection header argument in a source block to reference a connection defined in sql-connection-alist.

The question in Magnus' post is a signal somebody is actually using this feature, so I am pleased. Perhaps I should also follow up, describing how I use this feature in my workflow. This will constitute another example of how to manage secrets.

I use Org, among other things, to keep work "lab notes" that usually contain SQL queries on different databases.

At work, pretty much all databases are Postgresql or Redshift, and I keep connection details in ~/.pgpass, following this format:

In other words, every DB definition is made of two lines: the first is a comment, with the name of the database (with no spaces); the second contains the actual connection details.

In my Emacs configuration, then, I have this function:

(defun get-connection-alist (filename)
  "Gets PG connections details from ~/.pgpass file (FILENAME)."
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)
        (let ((lines (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
          (when lines
            (cl-loop for (k v) in (seq-partition lines 2)
                  collect (cl-destructuring-bind (host port db user password)
                              (split-string v ":" nil)
                            `(,(replace-regexp-in-string "^#\s+" "" k)
                              (sql-product 'postgres)
                              (sql-port ,(string-to-number port))
                              (sql-server ,host)
                              (sql-user ,user)
                              (sql-database ,db)
                              (sql-password ,password))))))))


(setq sql-connection-alist (get-connection-alist "~/.pgpass"))

I use Emacs in daemon mode and it's not unusual Emacs to stay up for weeks, so I also have an automatic way to incorporate .pgpass changes, using filenotify.

 "~/.pgpass" '(change)
 (lambda (evt)
   (setq sql-connection-alist
         (get-connection-alist "~/.pgpass"))))

Reactions and follow ups

Exporting content from org-roam to arbitrary org files

I adopted org-roam to collect and manage my personal notes. I also use Org for managing the pages of my personal website (this site). My notes are mostly personal, as I said, but sometimes I want to publish them on the website.

So far the process has been manual: when I had significant updates to publish I just copied text from one org file (in org-roam) to another. But I wanted something more systematic.

I therefore added this two functions in my Emacs configuration

(defun my/remove-org-roam-links (buffer-as-string)
   "\\[\\[id:.*\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]" "\\1" buffer-as-string))

(defun my/paste-org-roam-node (initial-input &key no-links)
  (let* ((file (org-roam-node-file (org-roam-node-read initial-input)))
         (raw-buffer (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
                       (goto-char (point-min))
    (if no-links (my/remove-org-roam-links raw-buffer)

Then I can use a snippet like this in the destination buffer

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value raw append
  (my/paste-org-roam-node "through" :no-links t)

And this appends to the file the contents of the original org-roam note (I happen to have a note titled "Through the Language Glass", so that 'through' is enough to identify a node), after stripping, if requested, the links to other notes.

There's still some manual work to do before one can post, but this solution is already an useful improvement.


  • [ ] the operation is not idempotent
  • [ ] org-roam-node-read still requires the user to hit return in the minibuffer to confirm the choice. I'd rather have no interaction after invoking the command by C-C C-C
  • [ ] after the note content is appended to the file, there's some clean up to do: removing unwanted metadata from the original buffer, and so on…
  • [ ] it seems there are problems with the management of footnotes, if present in the original note

Switching from stream to blog

I wanted to transform my stream for a long time, switching from a single .org file where I kept adding things, to a more appropriate blog structure, with individual posts, index, archive, tag pages, a feed and so on. Thanks to Org, it was relatively easy to use the original material to produce the files I then fed to org-static-blog.

Here the code I used (I just omitted a few service functions)

(defun split-org-file (input-file output-dir)
  "Split an .org file into separate files for each top-level entry.
INPUT-FILE is the path to the .org file.
OUTPUT-DIR is the directory where the separate files will be saved."
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect input-file)
    (goto-char (point-min))
     (lambda ()
       (let* ((entry-title (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
              (tags (parse-tags-into-filetags
                     (nth 5 (org-heading-components))))
              (ts (get-timestamp-from-title entry-title))
              (entry-title-stripped (strip-entry-title entry-title))
              (output-file (expand-file-name
                            (format "" (dirify-string entry-title-stripped))
         (let ((body (org-copy-subtree))
               (cleaned-body (with-temp-buffer
                               (insert (car kill-ring))
                               (goto-char (point-min))
                               (when (re-search-forward "^\\*+ \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
                                 (replace-match "" nil nil))
           (with-temp-file output-file
             (insert (format "#+title: %s\n" entry-title-stripped)
                     (format "#+date: %s\n" (or ts "2000-01-01"))
                     (format "#+filetags: %s\n" (or tags ""))
                     (format "%s" cleaned-body))))))


The tool I am building to plan multi-day bike events is coming together. Now one can obtain a map with markers that are automatically placed based on the data in the plan data structure.

Defining a plan Using a plan to put markers on a map

Using Clerk to plan bikepacking events

I have been experimenting with Clerk to build a tool I can use to study different strategies for Venetogravel 2024. Inputing parameters such as the distance I have to cover, the average speed I think I can maintain during the event, and how I intend to distribute the effort over several days, I can obtain a diagram. It's a work in progress, here what I got so far:

(def plan-start-19
{:description "Starting on April 19th"
 :daily-plans [{:label "Day 1"
                :activities [{:start "15:00" :length 6 :type :ride}]}
               {:label "Day 2"
                :activities [{:start "07:00" :length 5 :type :ride}
                             {:start "17:00" :length 3 :type :ride}]}
               {:label "Day 3"
                :activities [{:start "08:00" :length 6 :type :ride}]}]})

which results in


To do:


$ cat .inputrc
set completion-ignore-case on

Some experiments with Pharo

Some experiments with Pharo


Cool that it is so easy to include an inspector in the GUI:


  | rt |
  rt := Raytracer new.
  rt scene: (Scene demo).

  ^ SpBoxLayout newLeftToRight
    add: (SpBoxLayout newTopToBottom
      add: (SpMorphPresenter new morph: (rt imageMorph));
      addLast: (SpPresenter new newButton label: 'Render';
        action: [rt render] ) expand: false;
    add: (StInspector new model: (rt scene objects) );

A patch for Org Babel

Org-babel allows SQL snippets to be run on a database connection that can be specified in the source block header using parameters such as :dbhost, :dbuser, :dbpassword and so forth.

This is very useful, but I'd also like to be able to use symbolic references to connections defined elsewhere, so that for example one does not have to specify the password every time, interactively or, worse, in the .org file itself.

I am also a user of sql.el, that provides a custom variable sql-connection-alist, where users can define a mapping between connection names and connection details.

The patch I submitted extends the behavior of org-babel-execute:sql so that it's possible to specify a new param :dbconnection containing a connection name, used for looking up sql-connection-alist.

PyData Berlin 2018

First Python conference I attend.

The venue is in the complex of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Forum 3 is a nice building and has also some space outdoors (fortunately the conference days were blessed by sun and a nice temperature).

First experiences with Python

At the new job I use Python for my programming tasks. Currently developing some data related stuff (ETL and reporting) and a web service, trying to organize the stuff I write so that it can be used by other members of the team for other projects. I will register a few impressions:


Speaking of great tools in the Python ecosystem, I just discovered Jupyter received the ACM Software System Award. Congratulations!


I started using eyebrowse more systematically. I tend to have multiple frames scattered around my xmonad workspaces, but I usually also have a workspace exclusively devoted to a fullscreen Emacs frame, and there I usually work on different projects, that require different windows configurations. So eyebrowse is useful. To be able to switch more confortably from a configuration to another, I added this little piece of code to my setup:

(loop for i from 1 upto 9
      do (define-key eyebrowse-mode-map
           (kbd (format "M-%d" i))
           `(lambda ()
              (eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config ,i))))


This weekend I have been exploring CEPL: "a lispy and REPL-friendly Common Lisp library for working with OpenGL", as its author writes. I have no prior experience with OpenGL, but thanks to Baggers' video series "Pushing pixels with Lisp", and predating the examples I found, I managed to write some working code. I have a project idea in mind, let's see how it ends up.


A couple of remarks if you're inclined to experiment on your own.

Haskell Day

Haskell Day in Milan, hosted by Mikamai/LinkMe offices.

hledger-dupes is now in hledger

Simon Michael asked me to include hledger-dupes in the main hledger repo.

Scheme interpreter going on

I spent part of the weekend on my Scheme interpreter implementation, after a long hiatus. Cleaned up some code, and started enstablishing the grounds for adding closures (thus passing from the substitution model to the environment model of evaluation, a profound change).

Writing a test library for Common Lisp

Writing a test library for Common Lisp

New page, with some notes about the ongoing process of writing a test library for CL (just a toy project, I'm not going to spoil the ecosystem).

The System Paradigm

The System Paradigm

I have used a REPL connected to a production system to change code. Yes, I have changed code in a running production system. Does that terrify you? Honestly, it kind of terrifies me a little, too! Regardless, sometimes the best way—the only way—to diagnose a particularly nasty bug is to poke a living organism and observe the result. I am more like a doctor diagnosing a patient and less like a detective trying to piece together a sequence of events from the clues left behind.

There's that and plenty of fascinating observations about the difference between a system constructed as a organism (system paradigm), and constructed as a cathedral (or a pyramid: that's the language paradigm).

I am fascinated, but I'd like to talk to someone who had this kind of experience. I understand the beauty and the utility of the REPL, yet intervening in a system in such a organic and (apparently, to me) not organized fashion seems more dangerous than it's compelling. How one can ensure the changes applied to the running deploy will be incorporated in the code base? How can you properly "undo" the changes you've made while you were tinkering with the system. Anyway, a nice and inspiring post.

ELisp refactoring tools

Started working on tools to help me refactor Elisp code. Here the first main function:

(defun create-new-function (function-name)
  "Creates a new function definition, given a selection. Removes
  the selection and replaces it with a call to the newly created function"
  (interactive "sFunction name: ")
  (let ((code (get-region)))
          (insert-new-function-definition function-name code)))
      (insert "(" function-name " )"))))

Comments welcome.

Automatic webjump list from org

Webjump is a bookmark facility for Emacs. Fed with a list of bookmarks (as an association list) it presents a menu, then open a browser page with the selected link. Simple and handy.

This function converts my list of bookmarks (expressend in a org document that is also used to build my Links page) in a data structure suitable for webjump.

(defun get-webjump-sites ()
  (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer "~/Dropbox/")
    (delq nil
           (lambda (i)
             (let ((item-string (cdr (assoc "ITEM" i)))
                   (regex "\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]"))
               (if (posix-string-match regex item-string)
                   `(,(match-string 2 item-string) . ,(match-string 1 item-string)))))
           (org-map-entries 'org-entry-properties nil 'file)))))

(setq webjump-sites (get-webjump-sites))

Update <2016-06-28 Tue 23:26>

I asked for a review on #emacs, bpalmer kindly pointed out a few things that should be done in a different manner:

  • I'm building a list containing nils, which I need to delete later (delq). I shouldn't be creating them in the first place
  • Probably no need for posix-string-match instead of string-match
  • I should provide a docstring

So, here a better version, using the loop macro

(require 'cl)
(defun get-webjump-sites ()
  "converts a org document in a data structure suitable for webjump"
  (let ((regex "\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]"))
    (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer "~/Dropbox/")
      (loop for i in (org-map-entries 'org-entry-properties nil 'file)
            for item-string = (cdr (assoc "ITEM" i))
            if (string-match regex item-string)
            collect `(,(match-string 2 item-string) . ,(match-string 1 item-string))))))

It's more concise and direct, definitely better, but I'm still not satisfied: it lacks clarity and cleanliness.

R setup

I need to setup a R environment on the Linux machine. RStudio (which I'm currently using on my Mac) eases packages installation and at the same time provides a rich and pleasant to use environment, but I'm considering going for a different setup on my Linux machine. For example, one way could be using Debian packaged R plus Emacs ESS.

Adding dashboards to hledger

I spent a couple of days trying to hack some changes into hledger-web. I use it from time to time, especially to visualize the item tree generated from my journal, but I would need more to incorporate it in my workflow. What I would like is a system to describe arbitrary widgets to compose in a dashboard. Things like "monthly expenses, comparing this and last year, using a histogram". Or "breakdown of the top N expense categories, using a pie chart".

So far, I just built some familiarity with the codebase and I managed to obtain a static (I mean, non-configurable) dashboard with a single widget showing my monthly expenses. Like that (code is on github):


But the real problem is designing a sensible dashboard configuration language.

Logo-ish drawing environment

Some months ago I bought a copy of "Turtle Geometry". I am looking for a LOGO environment to follow along and do the exsercises, but I could not find anything good enough for Mac OS X (which is quite surprising, if you ask me). So I decided to write my own version. The first usable thing I produced is not quite LOGO, but enough to do fancy drawings and (I'm guessing) translate most of the exercises without efforts. Code is on github.


Update <2015-11-29 Sun 09:39>

One thing I'm not sure how I could do is the interactive environment, but I discovered I have something acceptable at no cost, thanks to how Lisp and the lispbuilder-sdl package work.

Here a piece of code from my project:

;; [...]
    (with-events ()
      (:quit-event () t)
      (:key-down-event (:key key)
                       (when (sdl:key= key :sdl-key-escape))
      (:idle (reset-turtle)
             (fancy 20)
             (draw-turtle *position-x* *position-y* *direction*)

Since we're implicitly using the :poll event mechanism, the :idle event is triggered at each "game loop" iteration. Thus, if I redefine the functions used in the body associated to the :idle event while the program is running, I obtain a different drawing. What I do, at the end, is:

  • evaluate (main) (the SDL window appear)
  • focus in the Emacs window
  • edit some relevant functions (for example the body of fancy)
  • C-x C-e to re-evaluate the definition
  • voilà, new picture is drawn


Tried to install listbuilder-sdl via quicklisp, but got stuck on cocoahelper dependency. Is it supposed to work on Yosemite?

<2015-10-29 Thu 21:46>

Managed to install the library on a Linux virtual machine. Tried Asteroids to test it.

A neat tmux trick

Francesco showed me his tmux conf. This is particularly useful:

bind . send-keys B Space E Enter

hakyll deploy command

Hakyll allows users to configure a deploy command:

Next question is: how could I add more commands?


Here a surprising feature in DateTime::Duration's API. What this code will print?

use strict;
use warnings;

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;

my $dt1 = DateTime->new( year => 2015, month => 8, day => 1 );
my $dt2 = DateTime->new( year => 2015, month => 8, day => 31 );

my $duration = $dt1->delta_days( $dt2 );
print $duration->days();

It prints 2, because the days() method is implemented as

abs( ($duration->in_units( 'days', 'weeks' ) )[0] )

meaning that the duration is first converted to weeks, then the remainder is returned.

Here an extended piece of code to show what happens:

use strict;
use warnings;

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;

my $dt1 = DateTime->new( year => 2015, month => 8, day => 1 );

foreach my $d ( 2 .. 31 ) {
  my $dt2 = DateTime->new( year => 2015, month => 8, day => $d );
  my $duration = $dt1->delta_days( $dt2 );
  printf "%s days and %s weeks\n", $duration->in_units( 'days', 'weeks' );

which prints:

2 days and 0 weeks
3 days and 0 weeks
4 days and 0 weeks
5 days and 0 weeks
6 days and 0 weeks
0 days and 1 weeks
1 days and 1 weeks
2 days and 1 weeks
… and so forth

If you want to know how many days there are between two given dates, better be explicit and use $duration->in_units('days').

The doc explains it clearly if you take the time to read it:

These methods return numbers indicating how many of the given unit the object represents, after having done a conversion to any larger units.

But it's baffling to me nonetheless.

Light Up

Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection is a nice collection of puzzle games that should be interesting to solve automatically. I installed the Android version of the collection and played a little with Light Up.

You have a grid of squares. Some are filled in black; some of the black squares are numbered. Your aim is to ‘light up’ all the empty squares by placing light bulbs in some of them.

Each light bulb illuminates the square it is on, plus all squares in line with it horizontally or vertically unless a black square is blocking the way.

To win the game, you must satisfy the following conditions:

  • All non-black squares are lit.
  • No light is lit by another light.
  • All numbered black squares have exactly that number of lights adjacent to them (in the four squares above, below, and to the side).

Non-numbered black squares may have any number of lights adjacent to them.

First thing, board representation and some diagrams code to obtain a graphical rendition.

import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine

data Square = Empty
            | Box
            | Light
            | Lamp
            | Num Integer

type Board = [[Square]]

board :: Board
board = [[Empty, Box,   Light, Empty, Box,   Empty, Empty],
         [Empty, Empty, Light, Empty, Box,   Empty, Num 0],
         [Box,   Num 2, Lamp,  Light, Light, Light, Light],
         [Empty, Empty, Light, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty],
         [Empty, Empty, Light, Empty, Empty, Num 1, Num 1],
         [Num 2, Empty, Box,   Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty],
         [Empty, Empty, Num 1, Empty, Empty, Num 0, Empty]]

squareSize = 30

drawSquare Empty = square squareSize
drawSquare Box = square squareSize # fc black
drawSquare Light = square squareSize # fc yellow
drawSquare Lamp = circle (squareSize * 0.3) # fc white
               <> square squareSize # fc yellow
drawSquare (Num n) = text (show n) # fc white # fontSize (Local 16)
                  <> square squareSize # fc black
drawBoard :: Board -> Diagram B R2

drawBoard b = vcat . map (alignR . hcat) . (map . map) drawSquare $ board

sketch = drawBoard board

main = mainWith sketch


ghci + Gloss don't play well on my system. I need to do

ghci -isrc -fno-ghci-sandbox src/Main


I wanted to do some progress on the Scheme interpreter, but I ended up instead fixing code that went on github by mistake, and fighting with some git nuisances.

Clojure IDE

Spent some time setting up a development environment for Clojure using Leiningen + Emacs + CIDER + clj-refactor. Still confused by some parts of the system but I can see how pleasant it can be.

Measuring things

I use org-mode for registering the books I read. Here some code to produce stats.

;; Is there a better (more idiomatic) way to aggregate values?
(defun aggregate (aggregate-function lst)
  (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
    (loop for key in (mapcar 'car lst)
          for value in (mapcar 'cdr lst)
          do (if (null (gethash key hash))
                 (puthash key value hash)
               (puthash key (funcall aggregate-function value (gethash key hash)) hash))
          finally return hash)))

(defun pages-per-month-raw ()
  (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer "~/org/")
    (mapcar (lambda (b)
              (let* ((month (format-time-string "%b" (date-to-time (cdr (assoc "TIMESTAMP" b)))))
                     (pages (string-to-int (cdr (assoc "PAGES" b)))))
                (cons month pages)))
            (books/in-year "2015"))))

(defun pages-per-month ()
  (let ((ppmr (pages-per-month-raw)))
    (aggregate '+ ppmr)))

(defun month-list ()
  '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
    "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"))

(defun complete-hash (hash)
  (let ((new-hash (make-hash-table)))
    (loop for month-name in (month-list)
          do (if (null (gethash month-name hash))
                 (puthash month-name 0 new-hash)
               (puthash month-name (gethash month-name hash) new-hash))
          finally return new-hash)))

;; Poor man's TSV export
;; TODO check the implicit assertion on the ordering
(maphash (lambda (k v) (insert (format "%s\t%s\n" k v)))
         (complete-hash (pages-per-month)))

Then, for example:

stats <- read.csv("/tmp/stats.tsv", sep = "\t", header = F)
names(stats) <- c("month", "pages")
stats$month <- factor(stats$month, )
p <- ggplot( stats, aes(month, pages)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))

Chicken Scheme

Chicken Scheme

Basic setup

Basic stream setup done.

How fast my git repositories are growing

I wrote a very small utility to gather LOC counts from a git repository. Called gitsloc, it's based on Cloc, with some extra goodness provided by Sysadm::Install (a rather inaptly named module, if you ask to me, but full of useful gems).

I guess it could actually have some uses, who knows?, but I wrote it mostly because I wanted to see how fast repos are growing, and R is the obvious tool to tinker with the results.

I'm less than a beginner with R, and I have to admit plotting data from a multi-column CSV file is less straitghforward than I expected: I had to use xyplot from the lattice package, like this:

  Perl + Bourne.Shell ~ 1:nrow(sloc),
  data = sloc,
  type = 'a',
  auto.key = list( space = "top", lines = TRUE, points = FALSE)

Here the result, with data provided analysing the Dancer github repository (branch devel).

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