Bikepacking updates
I only managed two overnighters during this season, but I learned something on how to pack, reaching a nice setup for my kit.
The setup is now more compact and feels more comfortable.
The front bag contains the sleeping bag (15 ⁰C) and both the tent layers (Naturhike Cloudup 2). I didn't think it was possible, but it was just a matter of squeezing (and believing) harder. Also, not using compression bags helps, because this way the material is more free to occupy all available space.
This makes the front bag slightly wider, so I had to add spacers to keep it clear of the levers.
I added an Ortlieb accessory bag on the front, where I put food and some kitchen tools (nothing particular, a collapsible bowl, sporks, … stuff like that)
The saddle bag is much smaller and shorter, which makes the bike easier to handle. It now contains just the mat, the tent base layer, stove + pot (another new addition to my kit), and clothes.
I am quite satisfied with the results. One thing I have to learn is how to re-pack things so that dirty or slightly soggy clothes don't ruin other clean items; this would allow me to do longer journeys.