Spoiled by xmonad

I'm doing some experiments with xmonad and I particularly like its mod-Space key combination to switch the window layout in a workspace. Is there something similar for Emacs?

This is similar to what I want: ThreeWindows

Update <2015-11-15 Sun 11:51>

I ended up doing this (the entire code is here: larsen-functions.el)

(defvar *larsen/split-layout-type* t)

(defun toggle-split-layout ()
  (progn (change-split-type-2 *larsen/split-layout-type*)
         (if *larsen/split-layout-type*
             (setq *larsen/split-layout-type* nil)
           (setq *larsen/split-layout-type* t))))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-<f1>") 'toggle-split-layout)