Exporting content from org-roam to arbitrary org files

I adopted org-roam to collect and manage my personal notes. I also use Org for managing the pages of my personal website (this site). My notes are mostly personal, as I said, but sometimes I want to publish them on the website.

So far the process has been manual: when I had significant updates to publish I just copied text from one org file (in org-roam) to another. But I wanted something more systematic.

I therefore added this two functions in my Emacs configuration

(defun my/remove-org-roam-links (buffer-as-string)
   "\\[\\[id:.*\\]\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\]" "\\1" buffer-as-string))

(defun my/paste-org-roam-node (initial-input &key no-links)
  (let* ((file (org-roam-node-file (org-roam-node-read initial-input)))
         (raw-buffer (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
                       (goto-char (point-min))
    (if no-links (my/remove-org-roam-links raw-buffer)

Then I can use a snippet like this in the destination buffer

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value raw append
  (my/paste-org-roam-node "through" :no-links t)

And this appends to the file the contents of the original org-roam note (I happen to have a note titled "Through the Language Glass", so that 'through' is enough to identify a node), after stripping, if requested, the links to other notes.

There's still some manual work to do before one can post, but this solution is already an useful improvement.


  • [ ] the operation is not idempotent
  • [ ] org-roam-node-read still requires the user to hit return in the minibuffer to confirm the choice. I'd rather have no interaction after invoking the command by C-C C-C
  • [ ] after the note content is appended to the file, there's some clean up to do: removing unwanted metadata from the original buffer, and so on…
  • [ ] it seems there are problems with the management of footnotes, if present in the original note