Posts tagged "clojure":
rando-planner v0.2
I created a 0.2 release for rando-planner.

What's Changed
- Different colors
- markers (circles) every N km
- Option to configure average-speed day by day
- Detail leaflet viewer
- Fullscreen button
- Support for user defined markers
Reactions and follow ups
- Adam Rice mentions a project that has features in common: Best Bike Split
The tool I am building to plan multi-day bike events is coming together. Now one can obtain a map with markers that are automatically placed based on the data in the plan data structure.
Using Clerk to plan bikepacking events
I have been experimenting with Clerk to build a tool I can use to study different strategies for Venetogravel 2024. Inputing parameters such as the distance I have to cover, the average speed I think I can maintain during the event, and how I intend to distribute the effort over several days, I can obtain a diagram. It's a work in progress, here what I got so far:
(def plan-start-19 {:description "Starting on April 19th" :daily-plans [{:label "Day 1" :activities [{:start "15:00" :length 6 :type :ride}]} {:label "Day 2" :activities [{:start "07:00" :length 5 :type :ride} {:start "17:00" :length 3 :type :ride}]} {:label "Day 3" :activities [{:start "08:00" :length 6 :type :ride}]}]})
which results in

To do:
- integrate data from GPX files (altitude is fundamental)
- learn how to rotate entities with SVG (transformations seem to work in the least intuitive ways)
Clojure: If Lisp is so great, why do we keep needing new variants?
Clojure: If Lisp is so great, why do we keep needing new variants?
The one thing that Lisp programmers can agree on is how much better Lisp is than C and similar languages. I was talking last week to some programmers who use the Clojure version of Lisp and it made me wonder “If Lisp is so great, why did this guy have to build a slightly different version instead of building a popular application program in an existing version of Lisp, such as Common Lisp?”
Interesting discussion in the comments
Clojure IDE
Spent some time setting up a development environment for Clojure using Leiningen + Emacs + CIDER + clj-refactor. Still confused by some parts of the system but I can see how pleasant it can be.